RMM Agent Transfer
We have just completed a migration to our new RMM system. We have now got greater flexibility to remotely support your devices and have...
Commission Won - RemindMe
We are delighted to receive a commission from a company based in Peterborough to build a custom 'remind' system for their business. This...
Backing up on the Cloud - really?
Cloud backup is fast becoming the 'new' thing in businesses and whilst some companies use OneDrive via Microsoft or some favoring...
Happy 2016
After a jam packed 2015 Breeze is steaming ahead with programming and development requests, ranging from simple software management...
CareFlex is going MOBILE
We are in the final stages now of our customer driven pilot trial of a bespoke mobile app for our CareFlex software. Due to increasing...
Coming Soon!
Breeze Technology USA has been planning for a number of weeks now, and finally the day has arrived......from May 2015, Tammy Driver, one...
Calling all Quickfile users
Quickfile is a free online accounting software package which is quickly becoming a firm favourite with sole traders and newly formed...
Commisson won for bespoke database - Lawn Care & Yard Maintenance Business
DME, a small business based in Orlando, is in the process of acquiring a lawn care and yard maintenance business and has come to Breeze...
Careflex.net has arrived in the US!
To celebrate the launch of Carelex.net in USA, we are offering throughout the months of December 2014 - February 2015 a massive 25%...
Quickbooks Certified User - nearly there!
I have just started my online training with Quickbooks as a certified user and so far so good. The training modules are logical and are...